Subliminal messages in songs
Subliminal messages in songs

It’s actually on the DVD box cover, a scene that shows King Neptune and wicked Ursula larger than life on either side of the spectacular, underwater castle, with a smiling Ariel and Eric in the foreground. However, the Phallic Castle is really obvious even to someone not out to put forth a Disney conspiracy theory. However, he does have really knobby knees and unless someone told you to look for an erection, you probably would never think anything untoward. Apparently the minister performing the wedding ceremony is quite excited, if the suspicious protrusion in the front of his trousers is any indication. One of the potential sex scenes occurs when Ursula is trying to trick Eric into marriage using Ariel’s voice. There are two scenes that stand out, so to speak. Some of the most well-known and possibly most obvious subliminal sexual messages are said to be found in Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Anyway, in the version you can see online, there’s a scene where Bernard and Bianca are sitting in a sardine can passenger seat on the back of transporter bird, Orville, and as they fly past a brick building you can see a naked woman standing in front of an open window. Her shoulder is not intended to look like the head of a phallic symbol…or is it? The Rescuersģ.4 million copies of this video were recalled by Disney officials, who stated that the original home video version had been tampered with and an “objectionable image” could be seen in the background.

subliminal messages in songs

Mickey’s arm is around Minnie’s waist, she’s got her arm up around his neck in a hug. Okay, if you take away everything else in the picture, I can see where Minnie’s blue dress kind of looks like a man-part, but come on! You really have to be looking for it.

subliminal messages in songs

How is that subliminal? Is it that pigs become sausage, or are they supposed to be phallic sausages? Mickey and Minnie The picture hanging on the wall and labeled “Father” is an image of a string of sausages. One of the first Disney films, this classic children’s tale gets a different twist (or gets twisted) in a scene where all three pigs are celebrating in the brick house, with the smart brother playing music on his brick piano while sitting on his brick piano stool.

#Subliminal messages in songs movie

The hot button for this movie comes at the end of the car crash scene, when after Jessica is thrown from the vehicle her slit-to-the-hip dress rides up and you can see quite obviously why there’s no panty-line in that skin-tight gown. She walks, talks, and acts like a porn queen, and her voluptuous assets are barely covered up at all. Okay, there’s nothing subliminal or even subtle about the Jessica Rabbit character in this not-for-kids Disney flick. The most famous Lion King subliminal message is said to be the scene where Simba as a cub is on a clifftop, communing with his father’s spirit, when he steps on a bed of flowers that all float up into the sky, then turn into stars that align themselves to skywrite the word “sex.” Who Framed Roger Rabbit Even drawing over it with red lines just shows me that someone wrote “sex” in red over a movie scene, but maybe you can see it yourself. According to a certain YouTube theorist, the letters S-E-X are spelled out over and over throughout the film, in the grass, in the water, in the flames, in the landscape, in the rocks in the trees, in the animals’ hair. If the conspiracy theorists are correct and Disney is on a mission to make children think the word, “sex,” then they went over the top in the making of the Lion King. If you have an original VHS (some of these are old school,) or the DVD, look for yourself and see if you can see it on a copy you know hasn’t been touched-up, edited or altered in some way by someone who wants to convince you that what you don’t see is really there. You’ll have to decide for yourselves if you can see or hear the subconscious picture or sound that the “message hunters” say are there.

subliminal messages in songs

Even after researching this topic and looking at all kinds of video, I’m not sure if it’s the cartoonists with the dirty minds, or the people who say they see the “subliminal messages.” Either way, here are some of the most talked about Disney “subliminal messages.” “NOT-SO-OBVIOUS” SEXUAL IMAGES IN DISNEY MOVIES Plenty of them are about movies I’ve watched with my kids over and over, and I never for a second suspected these sexual innuendoes and images. There are lots of popular urban legends about sexual subliminal messages in Disney movies. Is it subliminal messaging when a beautiful model wearing a skimpy bikini takes a huge bite out of a massive cheeseburger bulging with bacon and cheese? That’s a little devious, but how about if the catchy jingle about the world’s tastiest cheeseburger has a barely audible voice chanting over and over, “you want a cheeseburger, you want a cheeseburger…” That’s kind of scary.

Subliminal messages in songs